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7. The End is a new beginning

We have come to the last chapter of The Purple Ladies’ Forest Adventure and we hope that it has lifted your spirits especially if you were affected by a boring lockdown. We also hope that you have learned some interesting facts about the mysteries workings of the woods and remember when the trees breath out, we breathe in!

We need the trees!

Forest Fire Story

Credits and Thank Yous:

This project would have not been possible without the support of the great artists sprinkled around the world that we had the pleasure to work with:

Front Page:

Narration & Music: Sarah Bear – soundcloud.com/sarahbearsounds


Video – Narration: Lina Jungergard Filming: Viktor Frykenmo , Editing: Dagmara Music: Jan Lee – janlee.org

Chapter 1: From seed to tree

Video Narration: Lina Jungergard & Christelle Lafille Filming: Prasanth Visweswaran &Iris Pixley

How a tree become a tree – Animation: Marta Angelozzi

Make your own seed dance: Dagmara Bilon

Seed Dance Video: Prasanth & The Purples

Chapter 2: Tree Family

Jana Humaneska

Sarah Bear – soundcloud.com/sarahbearsounds

Chris Gregory

Helen George

Chapter 2: Tree Family

Sarah Bear


Blake Steel – goodreads.com/author/show/235800.Blake_Steele

Chapter 3 :

United Kingdom:
Robin Harvey, Prasanth Visweswaran

Fernando Garcia Vicario, Renzo Anröd, Viktor Frykenmo

Chapter 4:

Prasanth Visweswaran, Dagmara Bilon

Chapter 5:

Marta Angelozzi – shadecage.com

Cover design:  jackpixley.com

Chapter 6:

PaaT – facebook.com/enochthepartymanetertainment

Zahara O’Brien

Jan Lee

Lina Jungergard

Christelle Lafille

Dagmara Bilon

Purple Ladies’ children: Iris, Augustine and Mia.

“Our wellbeing is connected to the wellbeing of our lands and waters. If we use our knowledge and wisdom to look after them, they will look after us into the future.” Peter Wohlleben author of ‘The Hidden Life of Trees’